Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para wiggle en español

noun | verb

wiggle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
meneo, contoneo

wiggle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wiggled, has wiggled, is wiggling, wiggles
menear, contonear; menearse

Ejemplos de uso de
wiggle verb

  • The puppy wiggled with excitement.
  • The baby wiggled in her sleep.

Frases relacionadas para wiggle

Traducción inversa para wiggle

meneo  - movement, shake, toss, swaying, wagging, wiggling, stir, stirring 
contoneo  - swaying, wiggling (of the hips) 
menear  - to shake (one's head), to sway, to wiggle (one's hips), to wag (a tail), to stir (a liquid) 
menearse  - to wiggle one's hips, to fidget