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2 Resultados de traducción para yield en español

verb | noun

yield verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
yielded, has yielded, is yielding, yields
ceder; rendirse, entregarse; producir, dar, rendir (en finanzas)

Ejemplos de uso de
yield verb

  • The apple trees yielded an abundant harvest.
  • This soil should yield good crops.
  • The seeds yield a rich oil.
  • New methods have yielded promising results in the field.
  • The studies yielded clear evidence.
  • The tax is expected to yield millions.
  • The bond yields seven percent annually.
  • After several hours of debate, the opposition yielded.
  • I yield the floor to the Senator from Maine.
  • I yield to the Senator.

Sinónimos detallados para yield verb

Yield, submit, capitulate, succumb, relent, defer significan rendirse o ceder ante alguien o algo que ya no se puede resistir.
  • Yield, cuando se usa en referencia a una persona, indica el ser abrumado por la fuerza o por la súplica <yielded to the pressure from his party's leaders>, pero en referencia a una cosa, indica tales cualidades como la elasticidad o la debilidad, los cuales facilitan el ceder <any mattress will yield to the weight of a body>.
    antonyms: withstand, defy
  • Submit connota el entregarse completamente a la voluntad o al control de otro, después de haber resistido o luchado <willingly submitted to the inspection>.
    antonyms: resist, withstand
  • Capitulate recalca el hecho de poner fin a toda resistencia, y puede indicar el llegar a un acuerdo con un adversario, o la sumisión ante una fuerza contraria imposible de resistir <the government finally capitulated to the guerrillas' demands>.
  • Succumb indica la debilidad y la impotencia por parte del que se rinde, o un poder arrasador por parte del que abruma <a Mexican film director who had succumbed to the lure of Hollywood>.
  • Relent indica el ceder por motivo de piedad o lástima por parte del que lleva la ventaja <finally relented and let the kids stay up until midnight>.
  • Defer indica el ceder o rendirse de forma voluntaria, motivado por el respeto, la reverencia o el afecto que se guarda hacia otro <he deferred to her greater expertise>.

yield noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
rendimiento, rédito (en finanzas)

Ejemplos de uso de
yield noun

  • Our yield of wheat increased this year.
  • The average yield per tree is about one bushel.
  • The yield on government bonds is currently seven percent.
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Traducción inversa para yield

ceder  - to cede, to hand over, to yield, to give way, to diminish, to abate, to give in, to relent, to cave in, to back down 
rendirse  - to surrender, to give up, (figurative) to throw in the towel 
entregarse  - to surrender, to give in, to devote oneself 
producir  - to produce, to make, to manufacture, to cause, to bring about, to bear (interest) 
dar  - to give, to suffice, to be enough, to deliver, to hand over, to hit, to strike, to yield, to produce, to perform, to give off, to emit 
rendir  (en finanzas) - to render, to give, to progress, to make headway, to last, to go a long way, to yield, to exhaust 
rendimiento  - performance, yield 
rédito  (en finanzas) - return, yield