Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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2 Resultados de traducción para notch en español

noun | verb

notch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
muesca, corte

Ejemplos de uso de
notch noun

  • Cut small notches at the corners of the fabric.
  • The tool has a notch for prying out nails.
  • The town is on the other side of the notch.
  • They turned the volume up several notches.

notch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
notched, has notched, is notching, notches
hacer una muesca en, cortar

Ejemplos de uso de
notch verb

  • Notch the ends so that they fit together.
  • He notched his fifth victory this year.

Frases relacionadas para notch

Traducción inversa para notch

muesca  - nick, notch 
corte  - court, cut, cutting, style, fit 
cortar  - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk) 
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