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merriam webster

3 Resultados de traducción para rebel en español

noun | verb | adjective

rebel noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
rebel noun

  • The government captured six armed rebels.
  • He was a rebel against the school administration.
  • He is a typical teenage rebel.

rebel verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rebelled, has rebelled, is rebelling, rebels
rebelarse, sublevarse

Ejemplos de uso de
rebel verb

  • When the government imposed more taxes, the people rebelled.
  • The protesters are rebelling against the new tax law.
  • Children often rebel against their parents.
  • He rebeled against the social conventions of his time.

rebel adjective

unfavorite favorite

Ejemplos de uso de
rebel adjective

  • today's rebel chefs feel free to ignore the dictates of classic French cuisine

Traducción inversa para rebel

rebelde  - rebel, defaulter 
rebelarse  - to rebel 
sublevarse  - to rebel, to rise up 
rebelde  - rebellious, unruly