Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para sentence en español

noun | verb

sentence noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
sentencia; oración, frase (en gramática)

Ejemplos de uso de
sentence noun

  • Can you write a sentence in English?
  • He is serving a 10-year sentence for armed robbery.
  • The court-martial pronounced a sentence of not guilty on all counts of cowardice.

Sinónimos de
sentence noun

sentence verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sentenced, has sentenced, is sentencing, sentences

Ejemplos de uso de
sentence verb

  • The defendant was sentenced and fined.
  • the judge sentenced him to a fine of $50 and time served

Traducción inversa para sentence

sentencia  - sentence, judgment, maxim, saying 
oración  - oration, speech, prayer, sentence, clause 
frase  (en gramática) - phrase, sentence 
sentenciar  - to sentence 
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