Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para trickle en español

noun | verb

trickle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
goteo, hilo
word of the day image
A trickle of water

Ejemplos de uso de
trickle noun

  • We heard the trickle of water from the roof.
  • The flow of water slowed to a trickle.
  • Sales have slowed to a trickle in recent weeks.
  • A slow trickle of customers came into the store throughout the day.

trickle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
trickled, has trickled, is trickling, trickles
gotear, chorrear

Ejemplos de uso de
trickle verb

  • Tears trickled down her cheeks.
  • Water was trickling out of the gutter.
  • People trickled into the theater.
  • Donations have been trickling in.

Traducción inversa para trickle

goteo  - drip, dripping 
hilo  - thread, linen, (electric) wire, theme, thread (of a discourse), trickle (of water, etc.) 
gotear  - to drip, to drizzle, to leak 
chorrear  - to drip, to pour out, to gush out 
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