Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para complain en español


complain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
complained, has complained, is complaining, complains
quejarse, regañar, rezongar; reclamar, protestar

Ejemplos de uso de
complain verb

  • He works hard but he never complains.
  • If you're unhappy with the service, you should complain to the manager.
  • The students complained that the test was too hard.
  • “These shoes are too tight,” he complained.

Sinónimos de
complain verb

¿Qué preposición sigue al verbo complain?
  • El verbo complain es seguido por la preposición about. Por ejemplo: They complained about poor working conditions.
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Traducción inversa para complain

quejarse  - to complain, to groan, to moan 
regañar  - to scold, to give a talking to, to grumble, to complain, to quarrel, to argue 
rezongar  - to gripe, to grumble 
reclamar  - to complain, to demand, to require, to claim 
protestar  - to protest, to object, to protest, to object to, to declare, to profess