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2 Resultados de traducción para awful en español

adverb | adjective

awful adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
(informal) terriblemente, atrozmente

Ejemplos de uso de
awful adverb

  • We haven't heard from him in an awful long time.
  • You've come an awful long way.

awful adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
asombroso; horrible, terrible, atroz; enorme, tremendo

Ejemplos de uso de
awful adjective

  • They heard the most awful sounds.
  • Awful things began to happen.
  • He has some awful disease.
  • That joke is just awful.
  • That's an awful thing to say.
  • Who painted the house that awful color?
  • The mountains have an awful majesty.

Sinónimos detallados para awful adjective

Ver: Fearful
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Traducción inversa para awful

terriblemente  (informal)
asombroso  - amazing, astonishing 
horrible  - horrible, dreadful, ghastly 
terrible  - terrible, horrible, appalling 
atroz  - atrocious, appalling, abysmal 
enorme  - enormous, huge 
tremendo  - tremendous, enormous, terrible, dreadful, great, super