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1 Resultado de traducción para conform en español


conform verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
conformed, has conformed, is conforming, conforms
ajustarse, adaptarse, conformarse; corresponder, encajar

Ejemplos de uso de
conform verb

  • Most teenagers feel pressure to conform.
  • the list conforms with the contents of the trunk

Sinónimos detallados para conform verb

Ver: Adapt, Agree
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Traducción inversa para conform

ajustarse  - to fit, to conform 
adaptarse  - to adapt oneself, to conform 
conformarse  - to resign oneself, to comply, to conform 
corresponder  - to correspond, to pertain, to belong, to be appropriate, to fit, to reciprocate 
encajar  - to fit, to fit together, to fit in, to insert, to stick, to take, to cope with