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2 Resultados de traducción para drain en español

verb | noun

drain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
drained, has drained, is draining, drains
escurrir, escurrirse; vaciar, drenar; agotar, consumir; desaguar

Ejemplos de uso de
drain verb

  • Drain the canned tomatoes before adding them to the pot.
  • The swamp has been drained.
  • I was waiting for the bathtub to drain.
  • The river drains into a lake.
  • Years of civil war have drained the country's resources.
  • The city's emergency fund has been drained.
  • I feel totally drained of energy this evening.

Sinónimos detallados para drain verb

Ver: Deplete

drain noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
desagüe; alcantarilla; sumidero, resumidero, rejilla; agotamiento, disminución (de energía, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
drain noun

  • The drain in the bathtub is blocked.

Sinónimos de
drain noun

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Frases relacionadas para drain

  • go down the drain - (figurado) desvanecerse, irse a la basura, irse a la ruina
  • down the drain - (figurado, informal) irse a la basura, irse por el desagüe, irse al diablo
  • brain drain - (figurado) fuga de cerebros, éxodo de profesionales

Traducción inversa para drain

escurrir  - to drain, to wring out, to drain, to drip, to drip-dry 
escurrirse  - to slip away 
vaciar  - to empty, to empty out, to drain, to hollow out, to cast (in a mold) 
drenar  - to drain 
agotar  - to exhaust, to use up, to weary, to wear out, to sell out, to run out 
consumir  - to consume 
desaguar  - to drain, to empty 
desagüe  - drain, drainage 
alcantarilla  - sewer, drain 
sumidero  - drain, sewer 
resumidero  - drain 
rejilla  - grille, grate, screen 
agotamiento  - exhaustion 
disminución  (de energía, etc.) - decrease, drop, fall