Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para knock en español

noun | verb

knock noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
golpe, llamada (a la puerta), golpeteo (de un motor)
word of the day image
There was a knock at the door.

Ejemplos de uso de
knock noun

  • He gave him a knock on the head.
  • There was a loud knock at the door.
  • She took some knocks early in her career.
  • He likes praise but can't stand the knocks.
¿Cómo se pronuncia knock?
  • La k no se pronuncia. Es como si esta palabra empezara con una n.

knock verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
knocked, has knocked, is knocking, knocks
golpear, golpetear; dar un golpe, llamar (a la puerta); darse, chocar; hacer chocar; criticar

Ejemplos de uso de
knock verb

  • I knocked on the door but no one answered.
  • The ball knocked him on the chin.
  • She knocked the glass from his hand.
  • He knocked the baseball over the fence.
  • The ball hit him in the mouth and knocked out one of his teeth.
  • The wind knocked him backwards.
  • The dog knocked against the lamp.
  • My knee accidentally knocked against the table.
  • Skaters were knocking into each other all over the ice.
  • I accidentally knocked my knee against the table.

Sinónimos de
knock verb

Sinónimos detallados para knock verb

Ver: Tap

Verbos frasales para knock

  • knock down - derribar, echar al suelo
  • knock off - tirar de, tumbar de, derribar de (una superficie, un caballo, etc.)
  • knock on - knock-on (falta en rugby)
  • knock out - dejar sin sentido, poner fuera de combate (en el boxeo)

Frases relacionadas para knock

  • knock-on - (principalmente británico) knock-on (falta en rugby)
  • knock-on effect - (británico) repercusión, efecto secundario

Traducción inversa para knock

golpe  - blow, knock 
llamada  (a la puerta) - call 
golpeteo  (de un motor) - banging, knocking, tapping 
golpear  - to beat (up), to hit, to knock (at a door), to beat, to slam, to bang, to strike 
golpetear  - to knock, to rattle, to tap 
llamar  (a la puerta) - to name, to call, to call, to summon, to phone, to call up 
darse  - to give in, to surrender, to occur, to arise, to grow, to come up 
chocar  - to crash, to collide, to shake (hands), to clash, to conflict, to clink glasses, to be shocking, to be unpleasant or obnoxious 
criticar  - to criticize