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1 Resultado de traducción para property en español


property noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
característica, propiedad; inmueble; terreno, lote, parcela; accesorio (en teatro)

Ejemplos de uso de
property noun

  • We are not responsible for the loss of personal property.
  • He was trying to sell stolen property.
  • He was caught trespassing on private property.
  • She owns all sorts of property around town.
  • The students were caught smoking on school property.
  • He owns several valuable properties in the area.
  • a developer of commercial properties
  • One of the properties of helium is its lightness.
  • A unique property of garlic is its strong odor.
  • The two plants have similar physical properties.

Sinónimos detallados para property noun

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Traducción inversa para property

característica  - trait, feature, characteristic 
propiedad  - property, ownership, property, quality, suitability, appropriateness 
inmueble  - building, property 
terreno  - terrain, earth, ground, plot, tract of land 
lote  - part, share, batch, lot, plot of land, lot 
parcela  - parcel, tract of land 
accesorio  (en teatro) - accessory, prop (in the theater)