Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para source en español

noun | verb

source noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fuente, origen, nacimiento (de un río)

Ejemplos de uso de
source noun

  • The college had its own power source.
  • She has been a great source of strength to me.
  • His job is the family's main source of income.
  • A government source spoke to the press today.
  • The reporter has refused to reveal his sources.
  • According to one source, the program will not cost a lot.
  • information from various intelligence sources

Sinónimos detallados para source noun

Ver: Origin

source verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sourced, has sourced, is sourcing, sources
conseguir, sacar

Sinónimos de
source verb

Sinónimos detallados para source verb

Ver: Cause

Frases relacionadas para source

Traducción inversa para source

fuente  - spring, fountain, source, platter, serving dish 
origen  - origin, lineage, birth 
nacimiento  (de un río) - birth, source (of a river), beginning, origin, Nativity scene, cr?che 
conseguir  - to get, to obtain, to achieve, to attain, to manage to 
sacar  - to kick off (in soccer or football), to pull out, to take out, to get, to obtain, to serve (in sports), to get out, to extract, to stick out, to bring out, to pull off, to introduce 
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