Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para tally en español

noun | verb

tally noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Keeping a tally of points scored

Ejemplos de uso de
tally noun

  • What is the final tally?
  • Her second goal turned out to be the game-winning tally.
¿Sabías esto?
  • No confundir tally con telly.

tally verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tallied, has tallied, is tallying, tallies
concordar, corresponder, cuadrar; contar, hacer una cuenta de

Ejemplos de uso de
tally verb

  • He tallied his expenses every day.
  • The numbers on the old list and the new list don't tally.

Sinónimos detallados para tally verb

Ver: Agree

Traducción inversa para tally

cuenta  - calculation, count, account, check, bill 
concordar  - to agree, to coincide, to reconcile 
corresponder  - to correspond, to pertain, to belong, to be appropriate, to fit, to reciprocate 
cuadrar  - to conform, to agree, to square 
contar  - to count, to count (up), to matter, to be of concern, to tell, to include 
Word of the day

¿Cómo se dice exhaust?