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2 Resultados de traducción para unbending en español

adjective | verb

unbending adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
unbending adjective

  • He has an unbending will.
  • the commanding officer's unbending reserve when dealing with subordinates

Sinónimos de
unbending adjective

Sinónimos detallados para unbending adjective

Ver: Rigid

unbend verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
unbent, has unbended, is unbending, unbends
enderezar; (figurado) relajarse

Ejemplos de uso de
unbend verb

  • He was bending and unbending his fingers.
  • His fingers were bending and unbending.
  • He unbent a little at the party.

Sinónimos de
unbend verb

Traducción inversa para unbending

inflexible  - inflexible, unyielding 
enderezar  - to straighten (out), to stand on end, to put upright 
relajarse  (figurado)
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