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merriam webster

3 Resultados de traducción para a while en español

conjunction | noun | verb

while conjunction

unfavorite favorite play sound
mientras; mientras que; aunque

Ejemplos de uso de
while conjunction

  • Someone called while you were out.
  • You can get the photos developed while you wait.
  • The phone rang while I was doing the dishes.
  • They met while they were in college.
  • Can I get you anything while I'm at the store?
  • He made a comment that, while well-intentioned, still hurt my feelings.
  • While I think some parts of the plan are good, I don't think it's practical.
  • Some people think his comedy is funny, while others find him offensive.

Sinónimos de
while conjunction

Sinónimos detallados para while conjunction

Ver: Though

while noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
rato, tiempo

Ejemplos de uso de
while noun

  • It took them a while to find out what was causing the problem.
  • we stayed at the fair for a while longer

Sinónimos de
while noun

while verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
whiled, has whiled, is whiling, whiles

Traducción inversa para a while

mientras  - while, as, as long as 
aunque  - though, although, even if, even though 
rato  - while 
tiempo  - time, period, age, season, moment, weather, tempo (in music), half (in sports), tense (in grammar) 
pasar  - to pass, to give, to pass, to go by, to come by, to pass (a test), to come in, to enter, to happen, to go over, to cross, to manage, to get by, to spend (time), to tolerate, to be over, to end, to go through, to suffer, to show (a movie, etc.), to overtake, to 
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