Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para creep out en español


creep out verb

unfavorite favorite
(argot) intimidar, crispar los nervios

Ejemplos de uso de
creep out verb

  • That guy really creeps me out.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Para el tiempo pasado de creep out, usa creeped out (en lugar de crept out). Por ejemplo: We were all creeped out by the grotesque ending of that new horror film.

creep verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
crept, has crept, is creeping, creeps
arrastrarse, gatear; moverse lentamente o sigilosamente; trepar (dícese de una planta)

Ejemplos de uso de
creep verb

  • She crept toward the edge of the roof and looked over.
  • I caught him creeping down the stairs to the kitchen.
  • She crept into bed next to her sleeping husband.
  • The hours crept by as we waited for morning.
  • a train creeping through the town
  • The price of gasoline has crept back up to three dollars a gallon.
  • A few mistakes crept in during the last revision of the paper.
  • new words creeping into the language
¿Recuerdas esto?
such that
sin embargo
sin duda
de tal manera que
sin contar con
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