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3 Resultados de traducción para cure en español

verb | noun | verbo

cure verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cured, has cured, is curing, cures
curar, sanar; remediar; curar (alimentos, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
cure verb

  • The infection can be cured with antibiotics.
  • She was cured of any illusions she had about college after her first semester.
  • My wife cured me of most of my bad habits.

Sinónimos de
cure verb

Sinónimos detallados para cure verb

Cure, heal, remedy, mend, alleviate significan rectificar una condición insalubre o indeseable.
  • Cure indica la restauración de la salud después de una enfermedad <managed to cure his tuberculosis>.
  • Heal puede aplicarse también a esto, pero por lo general connota restituir la salud a una parte afectada por una herida o llaga <his wounds were slow to heal>.
  • Remedy connota la corrección o el alivio de una condición malsana o nociva mediante el uso de una sustancia u otras medidas <vainly searched for something to remedy her arthritis>.
  • Mend implica arreglar o sanar algo dañado <only time can mend a broken heart>.
  • Alleviate indica reducir el dolor o los problemas de uno <the doctor tried to alleviate her suffering>.

cure noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
curación, recuperación; cura, remedio

Ejemplos de uso de
cure noun

  • This is a problem that has no easy cure.
  • The doctors were unable to effect a cure because the disease had spread too far.

Sinónimos de
cure noun

curar verbo

to cure, to heal; to get well, to recover; to treat, to dress; to tan; to cure (meat)
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Traducción inversa para cure

curar  - to cure, to heal, to get well, to recover, to treat, to dress, to tan, to cure (meat) 
sanar  - to heal, to cure, to get well, to recover 
remediar  - to remedy, to repair, to help out, to assist, to prevent, to avoid 
curar  (alimentos, etc.) - to cure, to heal, to get well, to recover, to treat, to dress, to tan, to cure (meat) 
curación  - cure, treatment 
recuperación  - recovery, recuperation 
cura  - cure, treatment, dressing, bandage, priest 
remedio  - remedy, cure, solution, option