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1 Translation result for abdicate in Spanish


abdicate verb

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abdicated, has abdicated, is abdicating, abdicates

Example sentences of
abdicate verb

  • The king was forced to abdicate.
  • The king abdicated the throne.

Synonyms of
abdicate verb

Detailed synonyms for abdicate verb

Abdicate, renounce, resign, relinquish quieren decir renunciar formalmente o de forma definitiva.
  • Abdicate indica la renuncia al poder soberano <the king was forced to abdicate> o también puede indicar la evasión de responsabilidad, como en el caso de un padre de familia <claimed they had abdicated their responsibilities>.
    antonyms: assume, usurp
  • Renounce puede usarse cuando se desea poner énfasis en el sacrificio realizado, particularmente cuando éste es motivado por fines morales <surprised everyone by renouncing the presidency>.
  • Resign se aplica sobre todo a la renuncia de un puesto o responsabilidad cuyo plazo no ha expirado <forced to resign from office>.
  • Relinquish puede connotar cierto arrepentimiento o debilidad <relinquished her crown>.
    antonyms: keep
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Reverse translation for abdicate

abdicar  - to relinquish, to abdicate