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2 Translation results for bill in Spanish

noun | verb

bill noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
proyecto de ley, ley; cuenta, factura; cartel; programa (del teatro); billete; pico

Example sentences of
bill noun

  • He paid the telephone bill.
  • He handed me a 5-dollar bill.
  • The Senate rejected the bill.

Detailed synonyms for bill noun

See: Price

bill verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
billed, has billed, is billing, bills
acariciar; pasarle la cuenta a

Reverse translation for bill

ley  - law, purity (of metals) 
cuenta  - calculation, count, account, check, bill 
factura  - making, manufacturing, bill, invoice 
cartel  - sign, poster 
programa  (del teatro) - program, plan 
billete  - bill, ticket 
pico  - peak, point, spike, beak, bill, pick, pickax 
acariciar  - to caress, to stroke, to pet 
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