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2 Translation results for blunder in Spanish

noun | verb

blunder noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
error, fallo garrafal, metedura de pata

Example sentences of
blunder noun

  • The accident was the result of a series of blunders.
  • We fixed a minor blunder in the advertising flyer.
  • He made a political blunder when he spoke against his own decision.

Synonyms of
blunder noun

Detailed synonyms for blunder noun

See: Error

blunder verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
blundered, has blundered, is blundering, blunders
tropezar, dar traspiés; cometer un error, meter la pata

Example sentences of
blunder verb

  • We blundered along through the woods until we finally found the trail.
  • Another skier blundered into his path.
  • The government blundered by not acting sooner.

Synonyms of
blunder verb

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Reverse translation for blunder

error  - error, mistake 
tropezar  - to trip, to stumble, to slip up, to blunder