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2 Translation results for circle in Spanish

noun | verb

circle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
círculo; ciclo; grupo (social)
word of the day image

Example sentences of
circle noun

  • She drew a circle around the correct answer.
  • We formed a circle around the campfire.
  • He looked old and tired, with dark circles under his eyes.
  • She has a large circle of friends.
  • She is well-known in banking circles.

Synonyms of
circle noun

Detailed synonyms for circle noun

See: Set

circle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
circled, has circled, is circling, circles
dar vueltas; encerrar en un círculo, poner un círculo alrededor de; girar alrededor de, dar vueltas a

Example sentences of
circle verb

  • He circled his arms around his wife's waist.
  • His arms circled around his wife's waist.
  • She circled the correct answer.
  • The pilot circled the airport before landing.
  • The halfback circled to the left.
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grupo exclusivo
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Phrasal verbs for circle

  • circle back - repasar, revisar, (figurado) tocar (un tema) nuevamente

Related phrases for circle

Reverse translation for circle