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1 Translation result for concise in Spanish


concise adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
conciso, breve

Example sentences of
concise adjective

  • a clear and concise account of the accident
  • a concise article on violence in the media that manages to say more than most books on the subject

Synonyms of
concise adjective

Detailed synonyms for concise adjective

Concise, terse, succinct, laconic, summary, pithy significan muy breve, sea en afirmación o expresión.
  • Concise connota la eliminación de todo lo que es superfluo o detallado <a concise study of the situation>.
    antonyms: redundant
  • Terse indica una concisión deliberada y elegante <his terse reply ended the conversation>.
  • Succinct indica una expresión precisa sin desperdicio de palabras <a succinct letter of resignation>.
    antonyms: discursive
  • Laconic indica brevedad al punto de parecer grosero, indiferente o misterioso <the islanders tend to be laconic and cold to strangers>.
    antonyms: verbose
  • Summary connota la declaración de puntos primordiales sin elaboración ni explicación <a summary listing of the year's main events>.
  • Pithy añade a succinct o a terse la indicación de riqueza de significado o sustancia <the play's dialogue is full of pithy wit>.
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Reverse translation for concise

conciso  - concise 
breve  - brief, short