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2 Translation results for contemporary in Spanish

noun | adjective

contemporary noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
contemporáneo, -nea

Example sentences of
contemporary noun

  • He was a contemporary of George Washington.
  • She is politically very different from most of her contemporaries.

contemporary adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
contemporary adjective

  • He suggested the absurd notion that early cave dwellers were contemporary with the dinosaurs.
  • She edits a magazine devoted to contemporary fashions.

Detailed synonyms for contemporary adjective

1. Contemporary, contemporaneous, simultaneous, concurrent significan que existen u ocurren al mismo tiempo.
  • Contemporary suele aplicarse a personas y a lo relacionado con ellas <Abraham Lincoln was contemporary with Charles Darwin>.
  • Contemporaneous se aplica a eventos <Victoria's reign was contemporaneous with the height of British power>.
  • Simultaneous indica una coincidencia exacta en un momento específico <a simultaneous ringing of church bells miles apart>.
  • Concurrent aplica a los eventos de alguna duración que ocurren al mismo tiempo <serving two concurrent life sentences for murder>.
2. See: Modern
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