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2 Translation results for counsel in Spanish

verb | noun

counsel verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
counselled, has counselled, is counselling, counsels
aconsejar, asesorar, recomendar; consultar

Example sentences of
counsel verb

  • He counsels people who are trying to quit drinking.
  • concerned parents counseling about the problem of substance abuse in their community

Synonyms of
counsel verb

counsel noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
consejo, recomendación; consulta; abogado, -da

Example sentences of
counsel noun

  • You were unwise to reject my counsel.
  • The student sought counsel from her teacher.
  • She is serving as counsel for the defendant.
  • All counsel are expected to obey the rules of the court.

Synonyms of
counsel noun

¿Sabías esto?
  • No confundir counsel con council.

Detailed synonyms for counsel noun

See: Advice, Lawyer
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Reverse translation for counsel

aconsejar  - to advise, to counsel 
asesorar  - to advise, to counsel 
recomendar  - to recommend, to advise 
consultar  - to consult 
consejo  - advice, counsel, council 
recomendación  - recommendation 
consulta  - consultation, inquiry 
abogado  - lawyer, attorney