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merriam webster

1 Translation result for failure in Spanish


failure noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fracaso, malogro; bancarrota, quiebra; fracaso (persona)

Example sentences of
failure noun

  • He became discouraged by his repeated failures in business.
  • He was often crippled by his fear of failure.
  • The accident was caused by engine failure.
  • The patient was suffering from heart failure.
  • The accident was caused by a failure to use proper procedures.
  • She was criticized for failure to follow directions.
  • The drought caused crop failure.
  • He felt like a failure when he wasn't accepted into law school.
  • The scheme was a complete failure.

Synonyms of
failure noun

Reverse translation for failure

fracaso  - failure, (figurative) train wreck 
malogro  - untimely death, failure 
bancarrota  - bankruptcy 
quiebra  - break, crack, failure, bankruptcy 
fracaso  (persona) - failure, (figurative) train wreck