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3 Translation results for flush in Spanish

adjective | noun | verb

flush adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
lleno a rebosar; copioso, abundante; adinerado; alineado, liso

Example sentences of
flush adjective

  • He just got paid and he was feeling flush.
  • was flushed after getting out of the hot bath

Detailed synonyms for flush adjective

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flush noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
chorro, flujo rápido; arrebato, arranque; rubor, sonrojo; resplandor, flor

Synonyms of
flush noun

flush verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flushed, has flushed, is flushing, flushes
limpiar con agua; ruborizarse, sonrojarse; hacer salir, levantar (en la caza)

Example sentences of
flush verb

  • Farmers flushed the field with fresh water to improve soil quality.
  • Do not flush wipes down the toilet!
  • Take a deep breath and flush your lungs with air.
  • She flushed with embarrassment when she realized her mistake.

Synonyms of
flush verb

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Reverse translation for flush

copioso  - copious, abundant 
abundante  - abundant, plentiful, copious 
adinerado  - moneyed, wealthy 
liso  - smooth, flat, straight, plain, unadorned 
chorro  - flow, stream, jet, heap, ton 
arrebato  - fit, outburst 
arranque  - starter (of a car), outburst, fit 
rubor  - flush, blush, rouge, blusher 
sonrojo  - blush 
resplandor  - brightness, brilliance, radiance, flash 
flor  - flower 
ruborizarse  - to blush 
sonrojarse  - to blush 
levantar  (en la caza) - to lift, to raise, to put up, to erect, to call off, to adjourn, to give rise to, to arouse