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2 Translation results for graphic in Spanish

adjective | noun

graphic adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
vívido, gráfico

Example sentences of
graphic adjective

  • the report offered many graphic details about the devastating earthquake that rocked the area
  • got a degree in graphic design

Detailed synonyms for graphic adjective

1. Graphic, vivid, picturesque, realistic significan que da una clara impresión visual, sobre todo en palabras.
  • Graphic recalca el evocar de una imagen clara y verosímil <a graphic account of the accident scene>.
  • Vivid recalca la intensa cualidad vital de la descripción o bien de la reacción a ésta <still had vivid memories of that terrible day>.
  • Picturesque connota la presencia de cualidades que son de notar por motivo de su nitidez, su aspecto raro o desconocido, su subido contraste y su encanto <a picturesque little village in the mountains>.
  • Realistic indica que es fiel a la realidad o naturaleza <a sober, realistic description of the situation>.
2. See: Grateful

graphic noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
imagen, gráfica

Example sentences of
graphic noun

  • She illustrated her talk with a graphic showing state population growth.
  • the use of graphics in the text of the dictionary helps to break up the visual monotony of the page
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Related phrases for graphic

Reverse translation for graphic

vívido  - vivid, lively 
gráfico  - graphic 
imagen  - image, picture 
gráfica  - chart, graph, (figures) table