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1 Translation result for indifferent in Spanish


indifferent adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
indiferente; mediocre

Example sentences of
indifferent adjective

  • The movie was poorly received by an indifferent public.
  • Was the food good, bad, or indifferent?

Synonyms of
indifferent adjective

Detailed synonyms for indifferent adjective

Indifferent, unconcerned, detached, uninterested, apathetic significan que no demuestra o siente interés.
  • Indifferent indica una neutralidad de actitud que resulta de la falta de inclinación, preferencia o prejuicio <indifferent to her own comfort>.
    antonyms: avid
  • Unconcerned connota una indiferencia como la que surge de la falta de conocimiento, sensibilidad o consideración hacia las necesidades o problemas de otros <unconcerned about the homeless>.
    antonyms: concerned
  • Detached indica una reserva objetiva lograda mediante la ausencia de prejuicio o egoísmo <watching the dancers with detached amusement>.
    antonyms: interested, selfish
  • Uninterested generalmente connota aburrimiento o distracción <her teenage son acted uninterested in the conversation>.
  • Apathetic sugiere tener poca o ninguna preocupación, generalmente acerca de asuntos sociales grandes <the students seemed apathetic about public affairs>.
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Reverse translation for indifferent

indiferente  - indifferent, unconcerned 
mediocre  - mediocre, average