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1 Translation result for invent in Spanish


invent verb

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invented, has invented, is inventing, invents

Example sentences of
invent verb

  • Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.
  • She is credited with inventing a procedure that has helped to save thousands of lives.
  • She invented a clever excuse.
  • We found out that he had invented the stories he told us about his military service.

Detailed synonyms for invent verb

1. Invent, create, discover, conceive significan traer a la existencia algo nuevo.
  • Invent indica el fabricar algo útil, normalmente como resultado del uso de la imaginación, el ingenio o la experimentación <invented numerous energy-saving devices>.
  • Create indica el evocar o causar la vida a partir de la nada, o como si fuera a partir de la nada <created a new position for his assistant>.
  • Discover presupone la previa existencia de algo e indica el encontrar lo que está oculto, o el explorar lo que se desconoce, más que crear <attempts to discover the source of the Nile>.
  • Conceive sugiere pensar en (algo) o crear <a writer who conceived an entire world of amazing creatures>.
2. See: Contrive
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Reverse translation for invent

inventar  - to invent, to fabricate, to make up