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1 Translation result for presently in Spanish


presently adverb

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pronto, dentro de poco; actualmente, ahora

Example sentences of
presently adverb

  • I cannot attend to the matter this instant, but I will presently.
  • we are presently waiting in line for our turn

Synonyms of
presently adverb

Detailed synonyms for presently adverb

Presently, shortly, soon, directly, before long significan después de un rato breve.
  • Presently es un término de indicaciones algo vagas en cuanto a la duración del tiempo en cuestión <the doctor will be here presently>.
  • Shortly típicamente indica el seguir rápidamente o sin demoras evitables <received the report shortly after the tests were completed>.
  • Soon puede indicar que lo que se narra o se predice ocurrió u ocurrirá sin mucha pérdida de tiempo <your sister should be home soon>.
  • Directly indica algo que ocurre con un mínimo de demora o sin demora alguna <directly after graduation he joined the family business>.
  • Before long connota una cantidad pequeña de tiempo <before long, the light rain had turned into a heavy downpour>.
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Reverse translation for presently

pronto  - quickly, promptly, soon 
actualmente  - at present, nowadays 
ahora  - now