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2 Translation results for related in Spanish

adjective | verb

related adjective

unfavorite favorite

Example sentences of
related adjective

  • They teach ancient history and other related subjects.
  • I just found out that my best friend and I are related through distant cousins.
  • Horses and donkeys are related.
  • The words “play” and “playful” are related.

Synonyms of
related adjective

Detailed synonyms for related adjective

Related, kindred, allied, affiliated, akin, associated significan vinculado por lazos familiares o algo similar.
  • Related puede indicar lazos familiares, ya sean de sangre o por matrimonio, o bien un lazo igualmente íntimo <in separate but related incidents>.
    antonyms: unrelated
  • Kindred recalca los lazos familiares, pero suele aplicarse más para recalcar intereses o gustos en común, o el hecho de congeniar <a meeting of kindred souls>.
    antonyms: alien
  • Allied puede connotar una conexión a través del matrimonio o por asociación voluntaria en lugar de por origen o sangre <the centrist party and two allied left-wing parties eventually formed a government>.
  • Affiliated, que a menudo es cercano a allied, tiene una tendencia marcada a recalcar un parentesco o relación dependiente como la que existe entre un niño y un padre <all blood banks affiliated with the Red Cross>, y puede connotar una unión poco estrecha en la que los elementos asociados son más o menos independientes <the network and its affiliated stations>.
    antonyms: unaffiliated
  • Akin connota ser esencialmente similar, relacionado o compatible <his interests are akin to mine>.
  • Associated sugiere estar relacionado o conectado de una forma por alguna razón <these two events were associated in her memory>.

relate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
related, has related, is relating, relates
conectar, estar relacionado (con); relatar, contar; relacionar, asociar; relacionarse (con), llevarse bien (con)

Example sentences of
relate verb

  • You must be feeling awful. I went through something similar myself last year, so I can relate.
  • We listened eagerly as she related the whole exciting story.

Synonyms of
relate verb

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Reverse translation for related

emparentado  - related 
conectar  - to connect 
relatar  - to relate, to tell 
contar  - to count, to count (up), to matter, to be of concern, to tell, to include 
relacionar  - to relate, to connect 
asociar  - to associate, to connect, to pool (resources), to take into partnership 
relacionarse  (con) - to be in contact, to mix with, to mingle with, (informal) to hang out with, to relate, to connect, to network (for business)