Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for sentence in Spanish

noun | verb

sentence noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
sentencia; oración, frase (en gramática)

Example sentences of
sentence noun

  • Can you write a sentence in English?
  • He is serving a 10-year sentence for armed robbery.
  • The court-martial pronounced a sentence of not guilty on all counts of cowardice.

Synonyms of
sentence noun

sentence verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sentenced, has sentenced, is sentencing, sentences

Example sentences of
sentence verb

  • The defendant was sentenced and fined.
  • the judge sentenced him to a fine of $50 and time served

Reverse translation for sentence

sentencia  - sentence, judgment, maxim, saying 
oración  - oration, speech, prayer, sentence, clause 
frase  (en gramática) - phrase, sentence 
sentenciar  - to sentence 
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