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1 Translation result for severe in Spanish


severe adjective

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severo; sobrio, austero; grave; duro, difícil

Example sentences of
severe adjective

  • The storm caused severe damage to the roof.
  • The patient is in severe pain.
  • children with severe learning disabilities
  • In the most severe cases, the disease can lead to blindness.
  • He suffered a severe head injury.
  • He faces severe penalties for his actions.
  • The war was a severe test of his leadership.

Synonyms of
severe adjective

Detailed synonyms for severe adjective

Severe, stern, austere, ascetic significan que tiende hacia, o es caracterizado por, una estricta disciplina y un firme control.
  • Severe indica normas que se hacen cumplir sin indulgencia o relajación, y puede connotar dureza <the severe style of dress demanded by their religion>.
    antonyms: tolerant, tender
  • Stern recalca la inflexibilidad y la inexorabilidad del temperamento o el carácter <a stern judge>.
    antonyms: soft, lenient
  • Austere recalca la ausencia de calor, color o sentimiento y puede indicar un riguroso control, simplicidad, o abnegación <his architectural designs are austere but impressive>.
    antonyms: luscious utas), warm, ardent rsonas, sentimientos), exuberant stilo o cualidad)
  • Ascetic indica abstención del placer, confort o lujos como una pauta de disciplina espiritual o de autodisciplina <the ascetic life of the monks>.
    antonyms: luxurious, voluptuous
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Reverse translation for severe

severo  - harsh, severe, strict, stark 
sobrio  - sober 
austero  - austere 
grave  - grave, important, serious, somber, serious (of an illness) 
duro  - hard, tough, harsh, severe 
difícil  - difficult, hard