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1 Translation result for shrewd in Spanish


shrewd adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
astuto, inteligente, sagaz

Example sentences of
shrewd adjective

  • She's shrewd about her investments.
  • I met a shrewd used car dealer who knew how to make the best possible deal.

Synonyms of
shrewd adjective

Detailed synonyms for shrewd adjective

Shrewd, astute, savvy significan agudo en la percepción y sólido en el juicio.
  • Shrewd recalca la posesión o el efecto de una astucia práctica y realista, y un juicio que es sabio, aunque a veces egoísta <a shrewd businesswoman>.
  • Astute connota perspicacia, ingenio, destreza, y a menudo, una incapacidad para ser engañado <an astute politician>.
    antonyms: gullible
  • Savvy, un término informal, connota ser adepto o sagaz <a savvy customer>.
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Reverse translation for shrewd

astuto  - astute, shrewd, sly, crafty, tricky 
inteligente  - intelligent 
sagaz  - shrewd, discerning, sagacious