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1 Translation result for special in Spanish


special adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
special adjective

  • This is a special case and I want you to handle it personally.
  • Only under special circumstances will you be allowed to retake the test.
  • Your many years of service put you in a special category.
  • Why should you receive any special treatment?
  • It takes a special quality to do what he did.
  • This is a very special occasion.
  • Are you doing anything special over the holidays?
  • We have a special guest tonight—the mayor.
  • No one is more special to me than my wife.
  • He always made her feel special.

Synonyms of
special adjective

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  • Tenga en cuenta que la pronunciación no es fonética.

Detailed synonyms for special adjective

Special, specific, particular, individual, unique significan perteneciente a, o relacionado con, una cosa o clase.
  • Special recalca el poseer una cualidad, un carácter, una identidad o un uso que es distintivo <special occasions such as holidays>.
  • Specific indica una relación propia y única con una clase, una categoría o un individuo <children with specific nutritional needs>.
    antonyms: nonspecific, unspecific, generic
  • Particular recalca lo distintivo de algo como un individuo <this nephew was her particular favorite>.
    antonyms: general, universal
  • Individual indica una referencia inequívoca a uno que pertenece a una clase o a un grupo <each country must find an individual solution to the problem>.
    antonyms: general
  • Unique significa solo e inigualable <every brain is unique>.
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