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1 Translation result for sufficient in Spanish


sufficient adjective

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Example sentences of
sufficient adjective

  • A brisk walk is sufficient to raise your heart rate.
  • There must be sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the check.
  • Her explanation was not sufficient to satisfy the police.

Synonyms of
sufficient adjective

Detailed synonyms for sufficient adjective

1. Sufficient, enough, adequate significan que es lo que hace falta o lo que se desea.
  • Sufficient connota una cantidad o una extensión que satisface exactamente una necesidad <had supplies sufficient to last a month>.
    antonyms: insufficient
  • Enough es menos exacto, y más aproximado, que sufficient <do you have enough food>.
  • Adequate puede indicar el satisfacer con trabajo un requisito <his clothes weren't adequate for the cold weather>.
    antonyms: inadequate
2. See: Sufficient
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