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1 Translation result for take on in Spanish


take on verb

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abordar, emprender (problemas, etc.); aceptar, encargarse de, asumir (una responsabilidad); contratar (trabajadores); adoptar, asumir, adquirir; enfrentarse (a un oponente)

Example sentences of
take on verb

  • He will take on his chief opponent in the next political debate.
  • They decided to take her on as store manager.

Synonyms of
take on verb

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Reverse translation for take on

abordar  - to address, to broach, to accost, to waylay, to come on board 
emprender  (problemas, etc.) - to undertake, to begin 
aceptar  - to accept, to approve 
asumir  (una responsabilidad) - to assume, to take on, to assume, to suppose 
contratar  (trabajadores) - to contract for, to hire, to engage 
adoptar  - to adopt (a measure), to take (a decision), to adopt (children) 
asumir  - to assume, to take on, to assume, to suppose 
adquirir  - to acquire, to gain, to purchase 
enfrentarse  (a un oponente) - quarrel, fight, confront, face