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merriam webster

4 Translation results for to-do in Spanish

| verb | adjective | verb


unfavorite favorite play sound
lío, alboroto

Example sentences of

  • He made a big to-do about her birthday.
  • They're making a big to-do about nothing.
  • I can't add any more to-dos to my overcrowded schedule.
  • So many to-dos keep coming up at the last minute.

Synonyms of

make-do verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
(informal) arreglárselas

do-it-yourself adjective

unfavorite favorite
de bricolaje
word of the day image
Painting can be a do-it-yourself project.

make do verb

unfavorite favorite
(informal) arreglárselas
Remember this?
one another
a eso de
a lo más
el uno al otro
a menos que
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Reverse translation for to-do