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3 Translation results for winning in Spanish

noun | adjective | verb

winning noun

unfavorite favorite
triunfo, victoria

winning adjective

unfavorite favorite
ganador, victorioso

Example sentences of
winning adjective

  • She scored the winning goal.
  • They were a winning marketing team.
  • Chocolate and mint is a winning combination.

Synonyms of
winning adjective

Detailed synonyms for winning adjective

See: Sweet

win verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
won, has won, is winning, wins
ganar; conseguir

Example sentences of
win verb

  • The boxer won the match by knockout.
  • He won't give up until he's won the argument.
  • Neither candidate won the debate.
  • We tried our best, but you can't win them all.
  • They played well, but they didn't win.
  • The chances of winning are 1 in 100,000.
  • It's not about winning or losing. It's about having fun.
  • She won a tennis trophy.
  • Her book won the Pulitzer Prize.
  • She won praise for her hard work.

Synonyms of
win verb

Detailed synonyms for win verb

See: Get
Remember this?
out of choice
sin elección
gran decisión
por elección propia
pobre elección
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Reverse translation for winning

triunfo  - triumph, victory, success, trump (in card games) 
victoria  - victory 
ganador  - winning 
ganar  - to win, to win, to gain, to profit, to earn, to acquire, to obtain 
conseguir  - to get, to obtain, to achieve, to attain, to manage to