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2 Translation results for resort in Spanish

verb | noun

resort verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
resorted, has resorted, is resorting, resorts

resort noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
recurso; lugar popular, lugar muy frecuentado; lugar de vacaciones

Example sentences of
resort noun

  • They spent their honeymoon at a beach resort.
  • Our first resort was to go to the police.
  • The island port was once the resort of smugglers, pirates, and other unsavory characters.

Synonyms of
resort noun

Detailed synonyms for resort noun

Resort, stopgap, makeshift, recourse, standby significan algo a lo que se recurre en la ausencia de la fuente o el medio normal de abasto.
  • Resort se usa primordialmente con last o en la expresión to have resort to <he favors a sales tax only as a last resort>.
  • Stopgap se aplica a algo que se usa provisionalmente como una medida de emergencia <the new legislation is only a stopgap>.
  • Makeshift indica un recurso inferior que se ha adoptado debido a la urgente necesidad o la indiferencia <used the little heater as a makeshift until the furnace was repaired>.
  • Recourse connota una fuente de ayuda, fuerza o protección <his only recourse is to complain to the manager>.
  • Standby connota alguien o algo que está disponible como reserva o sustituto, especialmente en emergencias <for babysitting, she felt lucky to have her aunt as a standby>.

Related phrases for resort

Reverse translation for resort

recurrir  - to appeal (in law) 
recurso  - recourse, appeal (in law)