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2 Translation results for bag in Spanish

noun | verb

bag noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
bolsa, saco; cartera, bolso; maleta, valija

Example sentences of
bag noun

  • She packed her lunch in a paper bag.
  • She put the pencil in her bag.
  • He was a tired old man with bags under his eyes.

Synonyms of
bag noun

bag verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bagged, has bagged, is bagging, bags
ensacar, poner en una bolsa; formar bolsas; cobrar (en la caza), cazar

Example sentences of
bag verb

  • He got a job bagging groceries.
  • The hunters bagged five deer altogether.
  • We bagged 10 fish today.
  • She's expected to bag the award for the team's most valuable player.
  • I bagged the last seat so everyone else had to stand.

Detailed synonyms for bag verb

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Related phrases for bag

Reverse translation for bag

bolsa  - bag, sack, pocketbook, purse, pocket, (finance) stock market, stock exchange 
saco  - bag, sack, sac, jacket, sport coat 
cartera  - wallet, billfold, pocketbook, purse, portfolio 
bolso  - pocketbook, handbag 
maleta  - suitcase, bag 
valija  - suitcase, valise 
ensacar  - to bag (up) 
cobrar  (en la caza) - to charge, to be paid, to collect, to draw, to earn, to acquire, to gain, to recover, to retrieve, to cash (a check), to claim, to take (a life), to shoot (game), to bag 
cazar  - to hunt, to go hunting, to catch, to bag, to land (a job, a spouse)