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2 Translation results for demanding in Spanish

adjective | verb

demanding adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
demanding adjective

  • She had a demanding schedule with little free time.
  • Factory work can be physically demanding.
  • I have heard it is one of the most demanding courses at the university.
  • Their boss was really demanding, often expecting them to work long into the night.

Detailed synonyms for demanding adjective

See: Hard, Onerous

demand verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
demanded, has demanded, is demanding, demands
demandar, exigir, reclamar

Example sentences of
demand verb

  • The customer demanded a refund.
  • Parents have demanded that the teacher resign.
  • The reporter demanded to see the documents.
  • I demand to know what is going on here!
  • “Come here at once!” he demanded.
  • “Why won't you answer me?” she demanded.
  • The situation demands immediate action.
  • "Come here at once!" he demanded.
  • "Why won't you answer me?" she demanded.

Synonyms of
demand verb

Detailed synonyms for demand verb

Demand, claim, require, call for significan pedir algo que se considera como debido, necesario o fuertemente deseado.
  • Demand indica un tono perentorio e insistente y a menudo el reclamar el derecho de hacer peticiones que han de considerarse como órdenes <demanded payment>.
  • Claim indica exigir la entrega o concesión de algo que le pertenece a uno, o de una cosa a la que se tiene derecho <claimed to be the first>.
    antonyms: disclaim, renounce
  • Require connota la cualidad imperativa que surge de una necesidad interior, de la coacción de una ley o reglamento o de las exigencias de una situación dada <the patient requires constant attention>.
  • Call for sugiere requerir por ser necesario o apropiado <the design calls for three windows>, a veces a través de una petición pública <called for 75,000 volunteer troops>.
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Reverse translation for demanding

exigente  - demanding, exacting 
demandar  - to demand, to call for, to require, to sue, to file a lawsuit against 
exigir  - to demand, to require, to exact, to levy 
reclamar  - to complain, to demand, to require, to claim