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2 Translation results for exposed in Spanish

adjective | verb

exposed adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
descubierto, sin protección

Example sentences of
exposed adjective

  • Without our immune systems we'd be exposed to all sorts of deadly infections.
  • The exposed electrical wires were a safety hazard.

Detailed synonyms for exposed adjective

See: Bare, Liable

expose verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
exposed, has exposed, is exposing, exposes
exponer (al peligro, a los elementos, a una enfermedad); exponer (una película a la luz); descubrir, revelar, poner en evidencia; desenmascarar

Example sentences of
expose verb

  • Undercover investigators exposed the scam.
  • They threatened to expose him.
  • The shingles had fallen off, exposing the wood underneath.

Detailed synonyms for expose verb

See: Reveal, Show
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Reverse translation for exposed

descubierto  - exposed, revealed 
exponer  (al peligro, a los elementos, a una enfermedad) - to lay out, to exhibit, to show, to display, to explain, to present, to set forth, to expose, to risk 
exponer  (una película a la luz) - to lay out, to exhibit, to show, to display, to explain, to present, to set forth, to expose, to risk 
descubrir  - to discover, to find out, to uncover, to reveal 
revelar  - to reveal, to disclose, to develop (film) 
desenmascarar  - to unmask, to expose