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1 Translation result for payment in Spanish


payment noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pago; plazo, cuota; recompensa

Example sentences of
payment noun

  • Payment is due on the first of every month.
  • Prompt payment of your bill ensures that you will not have to pay any additional fees.
  • We require payment in advance for all goods purchased.
  • a payment plan to reduce your debt
  • cash, credit cards, and other methods of payment
  • It took me five years to pay off the car, but I never missed a payment.
  • making payments on a loan
  • The credit card company just increased the penalty on late payments.
  • Our records show that we received a payment of $215.36 in May.
  • Buy this product for three easy payments of only $19.95!

Detailed synonyms for payment noun

See: Price
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Related phrases for payment

Reverse translation for payment

pago  - payment 
plazo  - period, term, installment 
cuota  - fee, dues, quota, share, installment, payment 
recompensa  - reward, recompense