liberación, puesta en libertad; cesión (de propiedad, etc.); estreno (de una película), puesta en venta (de un disco), publicación (de un libro); escape, fuga (de un gas)
Example sentences of
•the release of the hostages
•The prisoner is eligible for early release.
•There was a controversy over the release of wolves into the park.
•The prisoner was given an early release.
•the release of heat into the atmosphere
More examples
•Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.
•an accidental release of pollutants into the river
•They've filed a request for release from the contract.
•They're requesting a release from their contractual obligations.
•The release of the book is scheduled for next month.
- to cede, to hand over, to yield, to give way, to diminish, to abate, to give in, to relent, to cave in, to back down
publicar (un libro)- to publish, to divulge, to disclose
estrenar (una película)- to use for the first time, to premiere, to open
sacar (un disco)- to kick off (in soccer or football), to pull out, to take out, to get, to obtain, to serve (in sports), to get out, to extract, to stick out, to bring out, to pull off, to introduce