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2 Translation results for reproach in Spanish

noun | verb

reproach noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
deshonra; reproche, recriminación

Example sentences of
reproach noun

  • She looked at him with reproach.
  • Accusations and reproaches from both parties made it difficult to pursue discussions.
  • His conduct has brought shame and reproach to his family.

Synonyms of
reproach noun

reproach verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
reproached, has reproached, is reproaching, reproaches

Example sentences of
reproach verb

  • Our neighbor loudly reproached us for tromping through his yard.
  • She cleared her throat as a way of reproaching us for having our elbows on the table.

Detailed synonyms for reproach verb

Reverse translation for reproach

deshonra  - dishonor, disgrace 
reproche  - reproach 
recriminación  - reproach, recrimination 
reprochar  - to reproach