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2 Translation results for safeguard in Spanish

noun | verb

safeguard noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
salvaguarda, protección

Example sentences of
safeguard noun

  • The new law has safeguards to protect the rights of citizens.
  • There are many safeguards built into the system to prevent fraud.

safeguard verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
safeguarded, has safeguarded, is safeguarding, safeguards
salvaguardar, proteger

Example sentences of
safeguard verb

  • laws that safeguard the rights of citizens
  • You need to safeguard your computer against viruses.
  • There are steps you can take to safeguard against identity theft.

Detailed synonyms for safeguard verb

See: Defend, Save
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Reverse translation for safeguard

protección  - protection 
salvaguardar  - to safeguard 
proteger  - to protect, to defend