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2 Translation results for shame in Spanish

noun | verb

shame noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
vergüenza; deshonra; lástima, pena

Example sentences of
shame noun

  • He felt shame for his lies.
  • How could you be so rude? Have you no shame?
  • Her crimes brought shame upon her family.
  • He had to endure the shame of being fired.

Detailed synonyms for shame noun

See: Disgrace

shame verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shamed, has shamed, is shaming, shames
avergonzar; deshonrar

Example sentences of
shame verb

  • He was shamed by his behavior at the party.
  • shamed the family name with his conviction for embezzlement

Synonyms of
shame verb

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Reverse translation for shame

vergüenza  - disgrace, shame, embarrassment, bashfulness, shyness 
deshonra  - dishonor, disgrace 
lástima  - compassion, pity, shame, pity 
pena  - punishment, penalty, sorrow, grief, pain, suffering, difficulty, trouble, shame, embarrassment 
avergonzar  - to shame, to embarrass 
deshonrar  - to dishonor, to disgrace