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2 Translation results for spoil in Spanish

verb | noun

spoil verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spoiled, has spoiled, is spoiling, spoils
estropearse, echarse a perder; saquear; estropear, arruinar; consentir, mimar

Example sentences of
spoil verb

  • The fight spoiled the party.
  • The camping trip was spoiled by bad weather.
  • Don't let one mistake spoil your day.
  • Don't spoil your appetite by snacking too much.
  • Exposure to air will spoil the wine.
  • I spoiled the sauce by adding too much garlic.
  • The milk was beginning to spoil.
  • The hotel spoils their guests with fine dining and excellent service.
  • She always spoils me on my birthday.
  • You should spoil yourself with a day at the spa.

Detailed synonyms for spoil verb

See: Decay, Indulge

spoil noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
spoil noun

  • the bandits escaped with their lives but not with the spoils

Synonyms of
spoil noun

Detailed synonyms for spoil noun

Spoils, plunder, booty, loot significan algo que se quita de otro por la fuerza o con astucia.
  • Spoils, o más comúnmente, spoils, se aplica a lo que corresponde, por derecho o costumbre, al vencedor en una guerra o en una contienda política <the spoils of public office>.
  • Plunder se aplica a lo que se quita, no sólo en un contexto de guerra, sino también en el robo, el bandolerismo, el soborno y la estafa <retired from his job in the corrupt customs office with years' worth of plunder>.
  • Booty añade a plunder la característica de ser compartido entre cómplices <the troops divided their booty>.
  • Loot se aplica en especial a lo que se quita de las víctimas de una catástrofe <hauling bags of loot out of the flooded supermarket>.

Reverse translation for spoil

estropearse  - to spoil, to go bad, to break down 
saquear  - to sack, to plunder, to loot 
estropear  - to ruin, to spoil, to break, to damage 
arruinar  - to ruin, to wreck 
consentir  - to consent to, to allow, to pamper, to spoil 
mimar  - to pamper, to spoil 
botín  - baby's bootee, ankle boot, booty, plunder